“Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum!”


If that “heavy hitter guru” you’re talking to looks at all like this buckaroo, you may want to re-think the opportunity.

At the end the first chapter of Success In 10 Steps, you’ll read the story of Michael Dlouhy going to the lady’s ranch in Texas. She invited a number of MLM leaders to her ranch to talk about her new MLM company and get feedback from people on her ideas. She wanted their advice.

What happened was, virtually all of them saw an opportunity to benefit themselves. It became about them, not her. Certainly, again, greed & ego reared their ugly heads.

One of the beautiful features of network marketing is a commission structure designed to reward people who help others become successful. That is terrific. However … in MLM, as in any other business, a lot of people will put a lot more focus on their own personal gain than they do in yours. And there’s nothing particularly wrong with that. It’s pretty much human nature to do what is in your own self-interest. That’s how life works.

However … when you are willing to damage someone else in order to satisfy your own greed, that is a totally different story. Ethical people will not do that. It’s important for your success that you choose people in your life who scrupulously avoid hurting others in their dealings.

And this story Michael tells about his Texas visit features a bunch of people who were not THAT scrupulous group of people. It’s a very worthwhile point to make with your prospects, again and again and again. It resonates with them.

Richard Dennis

A Boy Scout Comes Clean


I spent several years as a Boy Scout … about 50 years ago. Great memories. I loved the camaraderie, and I especially loved the camping trips, hikes, canoeing sunsets, campfires, jamborees … Wow!

At my first jamboree of many dozens of scout troops, my scoutmaster sent me to the other side of the camp to get a sky-hook from a troop over there. Unfortunately, when I got there, that scoutmaster had already lent his sky-hook to a troop way back over near where I’d come from. Oh, well. I got there, but it turned out THAT scoutmaster had also lent out the sky-hook … I think you’re beginning to get the picture.

After a couple hours I returned to camp, apologizing to my scoutmaster because I had no sky-hook. He was very forgiving, however, because they’d gotten along without it. What he really needed at the moment was some black whitewash. He heard that a troop way the heck over there had it, if I would just go get it … so off I went.

Those were definitely the good old days.

Anyway, recalling some of these memories, I looked up one of my all-time favorite written pieces. You’ve probably read it before, but I’ll share it here now, because it’s a good one to bring back into current vision from time to time.

Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him.

A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.

A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or reward.

A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.

A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows good manners make it easier for people to get along together.

A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.

A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.

A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for unforeseen needs. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.

A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at or threaten him.

A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.

A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

Scout Motto: Be Prepared

Scout Slogan: Do a Good Turn Daily


In my estimation, one of the all-time great pieces of writing.

Richard Dennis

Hannibal The Cannibal and Network Marketing


I know we’ve all, at one time or another, experienced a snake or two in the upline. But where else, other than on page 20 of Success In 10 Stepsby Michael Dlouhy, will you ever see Hannibal The Cannibal connected to network marketing?

The purpose of any headline or subhead is to force the reader to keep reading … to ensure that they cannot put your piece down. And that’s how we get to the section, “Hannibal Lechter Missed His Calling.”

So if you want to keep people reading, you have to get their attention. Hannibal Lechter got a lot of attention in Silence of the Lambs because he had his friends for dinner … along with a nice chablis.

It’s pretty difficult for any onlooker not to at least take a glance at THAT train wreck!

I don’t recall exactly how I got there, but I was thinking, “I want subheads that will be riveting, that will be almost impossible to just gloss over without going to look and see exactly what it’s all about.”

So I thought of some names to insert … and I hit on Hannibal Lechter. How could anyone see the name “Hannibal Lechter” in this book and not feel forced to see how on earth Hannibal the Cannibal has anything to do with network marketing?”

So there was no rhyme or reason other than putting in a name that would rivet attention. And that’s why “Hannibal Lechter missed his calling” is one of the subheads in Success In 10 Steps.

I do not know how effective that subhead has been, but the book has certainly worked well, so I’ll assume Hannibal has done his job.

And I know for sure that YOU can creatively invoke Hannibal Lechter when you talk with a prospect. I guarantee you that nobody they’ve ever talked to before has connected Hannibal with network marketing. You will definitely create an unforgettable impression.

Richard Dennis

Your MLM Prospect Has An Employee Mindset

I saw a comment from a successful internet marketer this week that I think is very important to consistently remind yourself of.

Almost everybody we talk to about network marketing is an employee. They come from an employee mindset. Very few are actually business owners.

The employee mindset is: “OK. I really want to be successful on my own. I don’t want to have a boss. I want to make more money. What do I do?”

The employee mindset is NOT: “OK. I’m going to work this out for myself and come up with my own business plan.”

And the point this guy was making is, the most important word when you are talking to a prospect is “system.”

Let me repeat that. Heck, let me SCREAM that.



You’ve got to give them a step-by-step system. They have to see a system that can work for them. You have to show them how it has worked for others, and you have to show them, step-by-step, exactly what they will do with it.

But it’s more than just that. Your prospect not only has the opportunity to use a system that is tested and proven to work, but they also have the opportunity to talk to their prospects about that tested, proven system … which every prospect needs and wants. It’s really important. That is exactly what this guy is talking about.

You need to hammer prospects about the system. I mean, REALLY hammer them on this. Most prospects think, “Oh, this company has a great product. That’s what I need.” Or, “Oh, I’m personally sponsored by the heavy hitter. That’s what I need.” Or, “It’s been proven that this compensation plan pays out 80%, and over 90% of the people who use it are successful.”


Most prospects need to use the Success In 10 Stepsebook by Michael Dlouhy to have success, but some won’t.  Everybody knows that a new person needs a tested, proven system to start with. If you can find a better, tested proven system, fine. We’ve used this one for 4 years, and it constantly produces the targeted leads we want.

That’s what those with the “employee mindset” need more than anything … good prospects to talk to. Just getting a few really targeted prospects a week can change their lives.

System? Yes. Use it. And talk to your prospects about it. Believe me, they know they need it.

Richard Dennis

YOU Are The Message!

I did a conference call a couple days ago which, in my opinion, is very important to your success in MLM. This call is not about any product or service or company. This call is about YOU.

You really need to listen to it:

How To Get What You Want By Being Who You Are

Also, thanks to Roxanne Green for finding this article, which helps to expand the scope of the podcast above:

A Good MLM Blog Tip

Take care,

Richard Dennis

Use “Success In 10 Steps” To Boost Your Confidence

Richard Dennis
Richard Dennis

A lot of what determines success or failure is NOT the obvious stuff that you see and are concerned with.

Studies have shown that whether you’re talking to someone on the phone, or in person, their impression of you & what you say is based ONLY ABOUT 8% on the words you use!!

The other 92% is your body language and the sound & qualities of your voice. I’m sure it’s easy for you to understand that if you sound uncertain, no one is going to follow you. To be successful, you must sound and look like you know exactly what you are doing.

That is one of the reasons that this blog is so useful to you. The more time you spend learning about the intricacies of Success In 10 Steps, the more certainty you will have when you talk to a prospect. And as you study & gain the ability to direct them to a specific page that answers their question, you look to them like someone who really knows what they are doing.

And when they see you that way, it’s a big key to their desire to work with you.

This is something you just cannot afford to shortcut. So open a new text file. Read Success In 10 Steps again, and take notes by chapter. Write down what strikes you as really memorable, really useful, and note the page it’s on. Talk about it out loud. Tell what you really like. Again, write down your notes.

The better you get at this, the more confident you will sound when you speak with a prospect. When they can hear in your voice that you are certain you know what you’re talking about, you are in good shape.

Richard Dennis

Marketing Insanity – A True Case

Richard Dennis
Richard Dennis

It’s worth your time to take a look at the section on “Marketing Insanity” on page 17 of the Success In 10 Steps ebook by Michael Dlouhy. I was talking with a husband-and-wife on a 3-way call the other day. They’re in a company selling water filters. Their basic product is a $4,000 sale.

And they tell me, “But you can buy it over time!”

Boy! Hope springs eternal in network marketers, doesn’t it? They KNOW they can make this thing work. “Heck, they can buy it over time. This’ll work.”

So here’s the deal, which is what I told them:


Are you kidding me? You HAVE to be a salesperson. You HAVE to be a salesperson to do that. A $4,000 product is a sales business. They can call it network marketing if they want, but let me ask you a question:

Does your new rep go on autoship for $4,000 a month?

I didn’t think so.

Here’s what I told them:

Success In 10 Steps is a great tool, but it won’t work for you. You can’t use this ebook to find people who’ll spend $4K. Our system is perfect to build a relationship business, but that’s not what you have … you have a SALES business. You need to run ads to find salespeople.”

Again, it’s a $4,000 product. And THEY bought it, because it’s something they really believe in and they wanted. But they are the exception. You need REALLY targeted leads to sell that product. You sure as heck aren’t going to buy MLM leads and sell any $4,000 water filters. There’s no way you can recruit those people, because they won’t buy the product.

There was a time when it was pretty standard in MLM to advertise for salespeople, but not so much anymore. Traditionally, salespeople haven’t done that well in network marketing, for a lot of reasons. Most of all, salespeople can’t train anyone to do what they do, and so what they do is not duplicatable.

What you want in network marketing is a lot of people, with each one doing a little bit. That is the model that works. You can build a big business with that model.

The standard for MLM has always been lotions and potions and vitamins. Outstanding nutritionals & personal care products that get raved about and used up and bought over and over. That is the type of product that creates residual income.

And I would go so far as to say that any product that doesn’t create residual income – people on autoship who buy automatically every month – is NOT an MLM product.

Feel free to argue if you want. But the #1 reason for doing MLM is to create an income that goes on whether you are working or not. And that ONLY happens with people on autoship.

It’s simple. No autoship = No network marketing.

That water filter customer never goes on autoship. So not only is there NO residual income, but you also must be a pretty good salesperson to sell a $4,000 product.

I’m not a salesperson. I cannot do it. Almost everybody out there cannot do it. Can you work and work and work and find someone who can?

Sure. That business has been going for awhile. Here and there, they find a salesperson. But man, what a tough way to build a business.

So it’s really helpful to know where this stuff is in the ebook because when that topic comes up – and it will – you need to be able to direct people to the source that explains their situation. That’s way better than you trying to do it yourself.

That is what I think.

Richard Dennis

PS – I would LOVE to hear your comments on this one …

Michael Dlouhy and ‘Voodoo MLM Economics’

Richard Dennis
Richard Dennis

You’ll find “Voodoo MLM Economics” on page 15 of “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy. This one is one of my favorite sections.

A few weeks ago, I was talking on the phone with one of my prospects who had downloaded the ebook. Prospects fall into one of two groups:

  1. Already in a business & trying to figure out how to make it profitable.
  2. Looking for a business to make profitable.

This lady was in group #1. And since I was on the line with her, she decided to reverse-recruit me. So she told me about her incredible company and their 98% retention rate.

Nobody ever left that company. Everybody stayed. Fascinating.

OK. You could give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was new and was just repeating what she had been told by her sponsor. But she was also telling me how wonderfully successful she was, too, so she probably doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

We know that in MLM, like any other business, most people aren’t going to make it. Most people are going to leave. Most people are going to quit before they are successful. Most people don’t commit themselves. Most people don’t value spending time training themselves. Most people won’t put in the time necessary to actually work their business.

It all boils down to the “C” word: most people just won’t make the commitment.

And so it enhances your position when you are talking with a prospect that you flat out tell them all this.

“Jack, what I know from my experience is, most of the people I talk to will not make any real commitment to this business. Most of them will quit. Most of them will find a reason not to do it.”

And of course, I always add in there, “We’ve been using the STS ebook for over 4 years now. And the reason we like this ‘Success In 10 Steps’ lead generation system so much is, we talk to so many people who have been beat up in this business. And yet, so many of them are people who just will NEVER quit. They’re determined to keep going forever. They are determined to make it work.”

I can’t tell you how many times I say that to one of my ebook download prospects and they say, “Yeah. That’s me.” It’s like that company’s retention rate … it’s over 90%.

Well … it’s probably 80%, anyway. They say, “Yeah, that’s me. I’ll never quit. I’ll never stop doing this. I’ll never give up. I’m going to get it right. I’m going to figure it out or die trying.” That is the type of person who read this ebook.

And you increase your own credibility and their trust in you when you tell them that you know most people will quit. At the same time, you give them personally a way out of that group, because most people who come in through the STS ebook are warriors. They are just never going to quit.

So it’s very worthwhile for you to point out page 15 of the ebook to your prospects and let them know that most people quit. If this was an easy business, everybody would do it.

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Truths

Spotting MLM Cutthroats

At the bottom of page 11 of Success In 10 Steps, you see a reference to “greed and ego.” That gives you another good point to make with your prospect.

Prospects don’t come into this process thinking about “greed & ego”. But if they have experience in MLM, there’s a good chance they’ve already run into the problem. It’s worthwhile pointing out that the greed & ego of sponsors and/or companies is one of the reasons so many prospects are never successful in network marketing.

Let them know how important it is to have their radar up and operating sensitively.

This doesn’t mean you search for some Pollyanna who lives their life only for others. Putting yourself first is the natural order.

What it does mean is that you MUST avoid sponsors whose goal is to be successful no matter who they have to step on. You want someone who is determined to be successful by creating those win-win relationships with others.

A lot of times, you can actually hear this in their voice and in what they say about the business and about others. One of these clowns once told me that 95% of all prospects were dead wood, and he just kicked them out of the way. Not only was he proud of it, but he thought anyone who didn’t do that was a fool. What more could you possibly need to know about this guy?

So you’ve got to watch and listen and train yourself to spot “greed & ego” before you join a company where you are smack-dab in the middle of it. Your best bet is definitely to avoid it from the start. Once you are in a group dominated by the greed and/or ego of its leader(s), you are lost. It’s a situation you must train yourself to see and walk away from.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Truths

You’ll Never Get Rich Selling An MLM Opportunity

In today’s market, you cannot build a long-term successful MLM business by selling the opportunity. Even if you are a superstar salesperson, the fact is … over 90% of everyone else is not. They hate sales. And they will not be able to sell the opportunity, no matter how much sales training and “RAH! RAH!” courses you may give them. so they will disappear.

“Success In 10 Steps” solves that problem. When you advertise the ebook, your target “frustrated MLMers” market will download it. Many will see themselves and their own story in the book, and they will want to talk about it.

It’s easy to build relationships with the people who identify with this book. No selling necessary. As you build relationships, you build your network. Bring value into their lives, and some of them will want to work with you. Then just tell them their options & let them decide.

No sales necessary.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis