Best MLM Secrets – Release The Pressure Valve

Michael Dlouhy pays attention.

Back in 2004, when we first came out with the “Success In 10 Steps” ebook, there was a very effective national ad running. I forget what the company was, but the ad said, “It’s NOT your fault!”

I think most of us tend to blame ourselves for failure. In MLM, many people just don’t realize that from the moment they signed up, their only real option was failure … because many network marketing companies are not designed for average people to succeed.

“Success In 10 Steps” targets people who are frustrated by their MLM failures. And then Michael Dlouhy would tell them, “It’s NOT your fault!” When they heard those words, it was like Michael opened a big pressure valve and the steam just quickly, harmlessly blew off.

When you can show a person how they got into a position where they could not possibly have been successful, that giant weight lifts off them. They realize, “Hey! It really wasn’t my fault!” And now, they are free to work with you and pursue MLM success with a much greater knowledge of what it takes to achieve that success … and with the understanding of how to evaluate one network marketing opportunity against another, to choose the one where they have a real chance to achieve their dreams.

THAT can make all the difference in the world to them … and to your business-building results.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
“Success In 10 Steps”

The “Success In 10 Steps” Automated Follow-up Emails

Have you ever read the stories on the left column of the homepage of Mentoring For Free? There are some truly great stories there, about how people have benefitted from the “Success In 10 Steps” ebook by Michael Dlouhy and also from all the Mentoring For Free trainings.

Each person tells their own story and, of course, each story is different. And one thing all humans everywhere love is a good story.

So when someone downloads the ebook, they then get a series of follow-up emails. Each email gives a snippet from one of those stories featured on Mentoring For Free … with a link to read the full story. When somebody clicks on the link to read the full story, THAT identifies them as a very special prospect. And you get a notice in your Mentoring For Free Back Office that Joe Smith has done another action.

The more actions a person does, the hotter a prospect they are. Some people click on the “story” link in every email they get, to read someone else’s story. Those people are especially strong prospects for you.

This “Success In 10 Steps” lead generation system has worked well to bring in the real Warriors, those who are determined to succeed in network marketing, no matter how many failures they’ve had over the years. IMO, you won’t find a better system anywhere to generate EXACTLY the type of people who will build your business.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Secrets

Best Michael Dlouhy Training! Targeted MLM Recruiting! Two, Two, Two Books In One!

When the right people read “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy, they get excited. The experiences and information in the ebook speak to their heart. They recognize themself in the description.

The result is, you wind up talking to a person who is probably exactly the person you want to work with, to help build their business … and yours. This book speaks to warriors, and they respond to it. Winning at network marketing is always a battle, so you need people who will never, never quit. You need warriors.

But “Success In 10 Steps” is more. It also trains your warriors in exactly the right way to build their business. What to do, what not to do. And best of all, nobody has to become a salesperson. Just listen to the person’s frustrations, and then point out the chapter of the book where they can get help.

If all you need to do is point, then truly, ANYONE can be successful using this ebook.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Secrets

Another “Success In 10 Steps” Success Story

Stories are what make network marketing so much fun. I’ve been invited to be a guest speaker at our company Convention in a few weeks, and it will be easy. Over the years, I’ve written down the stories that have happened around me in this business. In my talk at Convention, I’ll be stringing together 25 of these stores, as quickly as I can get through them. They are good stories, and I believe those in the audience will be inspired.

In that spirit, here is a great story about “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy:

Jumpin’ Justin Draws Some Circles

Stories like this – and there are a ton of them now – help illustrate what makes “Success In 10 Steps” such an incredibly effective network marketing tool.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Truths

How To Create The Best MLM Ads

Back in October of 1990, I spent a week working for copywriting legend Gary Halbert, writing sales pieces for his clients who attended his $7,500 “Seminar by the Sea” in Key West, FL. It was probably the most incredibly mentally stimulating week of my life.

It was also the most incredibly embarrassing week of my life. But if you want to know more about that, you’ll need to read “Shortheads.”

Shortheads is the tool I used to create the Table of Contents for “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy. I used Shortheads to create the title “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”, which became far-and-away the single most effective promotion in MLM history (over one-quarter BILLION audiotapes sold).

I created this tool 18 years ago, and I still use it today anytime I’m working on a project that needs a headline, title, subheads, impact sentences, etc. It’s what copywriters call a swipe file, and it is really good.

Anyway, I offer it to you at no charge. Chances are, you’ll download it and look it over and then it’ll sit on your hard drive, never used. (Do I know you or what?)


Fact is, this file could make you a lot of money. I encourage you to download it and use it whenever you are writing anything you want to work.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Success In 10 Steps

How To Write Effective Ads To Generate MLM Leads

Take a look at the index for the “Success In 10 Steps” ebook by Michael Dlouhy. You will see 93 – count ’em! – 93 bullets under the 10 chapter headings.

The purpose of every one of these bullets is to give you an idea for the first sentence of a classified ad designed to get the reader to download the ebook. Every single bullet has some element in it that might arouse a prospect’s curiousity – and YOU have the ability to make these bullets even more effective.

When you advertise your ebook to get leads, go over the Index. Read all the bullet points and see if one or two really grab your attention. Jot down a short list of keywords – e.g., leads, prospects, extra income, money from home, etc. – and read down the list of Index bullets.

What NEW ideas do you come up with for headlines or classified ads? What nugget can you get out there that would really get someone’s attention and draw them in?

I’ve never seen any other book or ebook in network marketing written like this … to include all these possible ad wording ideas for you. You are certainly free to come up with your own ads. But as you play around with the “Success In 10 Steps” index, you might discover a real winner that rivets people’s attention and gets you the ebook downloads you want.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Truths

Your Best MLM Business Prospects

When you look to find new business partners in a cold market, you should ONLY ever focus on people actively looking to make money from home. It is a waste of your time to pursue anybody who has not recently demonstrated that desire.

OK. Let’s divide “people who want to make money from home” into 2 categories:

  1. Those who have experience in MLM.
  2. Those who don’t.

For a lot of reasons, the “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy ebook is targeted to group #1. The book addresses their specific frustrations. This is a group you do not have to explain MLM to … they already understand the concept. (And sometimes, the idea of and the reason for seeking “residual income” isn’t that easy for people to get.)

You could come up with a lot of other reasons, but the bottom line is that group #1 is just a lot more targeted. And there are millions of names in that group. It’s just a matter of finding the ones who are looking NOW for the right opportunity, and offering them a free copy of your ebook.

So you want to target current network marketers with this ebook. You are NOT targeting

  • entrepreneurs
  • work-at-home moms
  • business executives
  • investors
  • coaches
  • home business people
  • etc., etc., etc.

Now … some of the MLMers you target will fall into one or more of these categories, and that is great. BUT you want to advertise to them ONLY if they have experience in MLM.


Because “Success In 10 Steps” is written for them. If they don’t already understand MLM, reading this ebook is a waste of their time and yours.

I know you must have a question about this. What is it? Please post a comment below.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Secrets!

MLM Frustration Is The Secret to YOUR Success

One of the great advertising innovations that has come with the internet is Google Adwords. Adwords allows you to quickly get results from an ad, often in just a few hours’ time. Then you can run a second ad against your first ad, and compare results. Then you choose the better performer and run it against a new ad. Repeat this process over and over, and you consistently get better results. This is the absolute ideal for any advertiser who understands the game. It means you can be constantly improving.

Before Adwords, this process only worked offline and it took months. Adwords really cuts the time.

A lot of people find phrases and keywords that are much more effective than they ever dreamed by using this process. One very effective MLM keyword may not be a surprise, but it definitely gets people to act. And that word is:


A big reason for the effectiveness of “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy is THAT keyword. The ebook answers the questions of frustrated network marketers … who REALLY want their questions answered. It’s eating away at them, why they just haven’t made it big. They are so darned … FRUSTRATED!!!!

I recommend you use that word in your advertising for “Success In 10 Steps.” Use it when you talk to your leads. Pound, pound, pound on “frustrated.” That word is worth its weight in gold.

Things change over time. It may not always be this way. But it definitely is true now. MLMers are frustrated, and they want answers now. Use that knowledge when you advertise to them and when you talk with them.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Secrets

Up To Your Elbows In Diamonds

It may sound strange, but it’s very, very difficult to find actual, honest-to-goodness duplication in network marketing. Most of the time, duplication goes exactly 1 level down. Why? Because the system being used is not duplicatable. People think it will be, but the proof is in the pudding. Usually, it just does not work.

Using the “Success In 10 Steps” ebook by Michael Dlouhy in our team, Michael sponsored Don. Don sponsored Paula. Paula sponsored Judi. Judi sponsored Sarah. Sarah sponsored Marilyn. They all sponsored a lot of other people too, using the ebook, but you should focus on THIS amazing leg for 1 important reason: they all made Diamond, a very high achievement (and well-rewarded and recognized) level in our company!

I’ve been in a lot of MLM companies over the years. I started in 1976. My buddy Michael Dlouhy started a couple years later, so we have a lot of experience between us. And yet, neither of us has ever seen duplication anything like this.

If you truly want to build a successful MLM business with ANY company, I feel pretty safe in saying you won’t find a better system to use. And that probably includes the rest of your life after today, too. Considering past performance of other systems, I doubt anybody will ever come up with a better system.

Most people who start in network marketing do not have a system that duplicates. Chances of success in that situation are pretty close to zero. “Success In 10 Steps” can make all the difference in your mlm future.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Lies

“Success In 10 Steps” – Almost A Marketing Mistake

Did you know there’s no saltwater in saltwater taffy?

Taffy has actually been around for nearly 1000 years, which is pretty amazing. In Atlantic City, back in the 1880s, a lot of shops sprang up when they first put up the boardwalk. One guy sold several things in his shop, including taffy.

One day, the ocean arrived and inundated his shop. After the water receded, he surveyed the damage. Lots of stuff was ruined. But the taffy tasted fine. In a moment of marketing genius, he decided to call it “saltwater taffy.”

A lot of great marketing can happen by accident. The “Success In 10 Steps” ebook by Michael Dlouhy, so popular to so many MLMers now, was originally titled “The 10 Biggest MLM Marketing Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them.”

Many of the ideas were the same as in the final book, but the big focus was different. As Michael & I talked about the book, I realized that the focus really needed to change. The 10 biggest MLM marketing mistakes was a good idea, but not for THIS book. So the title became “Success In 10 Steps.”

Aren’t you glad? That other much longer title would be much more of a challenge to get into your ads.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
1-850-997-1241 Call anytime.