“Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum!”


If that “heavy hitter guru” you’re talking to looks at all like this buckaroo, you may want to re-think the opportunity.

At the end the first chapter of Success In 10 Steps, you’ll read the story of Michael Dlouhy going to the lady’s ranch in Texas. She invited a number of MLM leaders to her ranch to talk about her new MLM company and get feedback from people on her ideas. She wanted their advice.

What happened was, virtually all of them saw an opportunity to benefit themselves. It became about them, not her. Certainly, again, greed & ego reared their ugly heads.

One of the beautiful features of network marketing is a commission structure designed to reward people who help others become successful. That is terrific. However … in MLM, as in any other business, a lot of people will put a lot more focus on their own personal gain than they do in yours. And there’s nothing particularly wrong with that. It’s pretty much human nature to do what is in your own self-interest. That’s how life works.

However … when you are willing to damage someone else in order to satisfy your own greed, that is a totally different story. Ethical people will not do that. It’s important for your success that you choose people in your life who scrupulously avoid hurting others in their dealings.

And this story Michael tells about his Texas visit features a bunch of people who were not THAT scrupulous group of people. It’s a very worthwhile point to make with your prospects, again and again and again. It resonates with them.

Richard Dennis

Your MLM Prospect Has An Employee Mindset

I saw a comment from a successful internet marketer this week that I think is very important to consistently remind yourself of.

Almost everybody we talk to about network marketing is an employee. They come from an employee mindset. Very few are actually business owners.

The employee mindset is: “OK. I really want to be successful on my own. I don’t want to have a boss. I want to make more money. What do I do?”

The employee mindset is NOT: “OK. I’m going to work this out for myself and come up with my own business plan.”

And the point this guy was making is, the most important word when you are talking to a prospect is “system.”

Let me repeat that. Heck, let me SCREAM that.



You’ve got to give them a step-by-step system. They have to see a system that can work for them. You have to show them how it has worked for others, and you have to show them, step-by-step, exactly what they will do with it.

But it’s more than just that. Your prospect not only has the opportunity to use a system that is tested and proven to work, but they also have the opportunity to talk to their prospects about that tested, proven system … which every prospect needs and wants. It’s really important. That is exactly what this guy is talking about.

You need to hammer prospects about the system. I mean, REALLY hammer them on this. Most prospects think, “Oh, this company has a great product. That’s what I need.” Or, “Oh, I’m personally sponsored by the heavy hitter. That’s what I need.” Or, “It’s been proven that this compensation plan pays out 80%, and over 90% of the people who use it are successful.”


Most prospects need to use the Success In 10 Stepsebook by Michael Dlouhy to have success, but some won’t.  Everybody knows that a new person needs a tested, proven system to start with. If you can find a better, tested proven system, fine. We’ve used this one for 4 years, and it constantly produces the targeted leads we want.

That’s what those with the “employee mindset” need more than anything … good prospects to talk to. Just getting a few really targeted prospects a week can change their lives.

System? Yes. Use it. And talk to your prospects about it. Believe me, they know they need it.

Richard Dennis

Use “Success In 10 Steps” To Boost Your Confidence

Richard Dennis
Richard Dennis

A lot of what determines success or failure is NOT the obvious stuff that you see and are concerned with.

Studies have shown that whether you’re talking to someone on the phone, or in person, their impression of you & what you say is based ONLY ABOUT 8% on the words you use!!

The other 92% is your body language and the sound & qualities of your voice. I’m sure it’s easy for you to understand that if you sound uncertain, no one is going to follow you. To be successful, you must sound and look like you know exactly what you are doing.

That is one of the reasons that this blog is so useful to you. The more time you spend learning about the intricacies of Success In 10 Steps, the more certainty you will have when you talk to a prospect. And as you study & gain the ability to direct them to a specific page that answers their question, you look to them like someone who really knows what they are doing.

And when they see you that way, it’s a big key to their desire to work with you.

This is something you just cannot afford to shortcut. So open a new text file. Read Success In 10 Steps again, and take notes by chapter. Write down what strikes you as really memorable, really useful, and note the page it’s on. Talk about it out loud. Tell what you really like. Again, write down your notes.

The better you get at this, the more confident you will sound when you speak with a prospect. When they can hear in your voice that you are certain you know what you’re talking about, you are in good shape.

Richard Dennis

Your Best MLM Business Prospects

When you look to find new business partners in a cold market, you should ONLY ever focus on people actively looking to make money from home. It is a waste of your time to pursue anybody who has not recently demonstrated that desire.

OK. Let’s divide “people who want to make money from home” into 2 categories:

  1. Those who have experience in MLM.
  2. Those who don’t.

For a lot of reasons, the “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy ebook is targeted to group #1. The book addresses their specific frustrations. This is a group you do not have to explain MLM to … they already understand the concept. (And sometimes, the idea of and the reason for seeking “residual income” isn’t that easy for people to get.)

You could come up with a lot of other reasons, but the bottom line is that group #1 is just a lot more targeted. And there are millions of names in that group. It’s just a matter of finding the ones who are looking NOW for the right opportunity, and offering them a free copy of your ebook.

So you want to target current network marketers with this ebook. You are NOT targeting

  • entrepreneurs
  • work-at-home moms
  • business executives
  • investors
  • coaches
  • home business people
  • etc., etc., etc.

Now … some of the MLMers you target will fall into one or more of these categories, and that is great. BUT you want to advertise to them ONLY if they have experience in MLM.


Because “Success In 10 Steps” is written for them. If they don’t already understand MLM, reading this ebook is a waste of their time and yours.

I know you must have a question about this. What is it? Please post a comment below.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Secrets!