The Secret Opportunity

Shhh, it's a Secret!05-21-2013

(This is an excerpt. Read the full article HERE.)

It is useful for us, as marketers, to realize our
prospects Decide to Act (buy our product or join our
team) based on EMOTION, not Logic.

Thus we can stop wasting our precious time trying to
CONVINCE folks with Live Presentations, Audios, Videos, PDFs and Websites full of facts, figures, charts and colorful graphics…

At least not until AFTER they have already Decided to

In his recent Big Al Workshops, Tom Schreiter asks us
to place these four activities in their proper order:
Ice Breaker; Presentation; Close; Rapport.

Rapport (Know, Like and Trust) is ALWAYS first. Then
the Ice Breaker (introduction), followed by the Close
(decision), and the Presentation is ALWAYS last.

Huh? What? That’s not what they taught us in sales

Let’s see if my sponsor followed this formula when I
joined my first MLM, back in 1974…

I was in college. My sponsor was my best friend, a
fraternity brother. (Rapport.)

One day he approached me extremely excited, “We’re all
gonna be rich!” (Ice Breaker.)

When I asked how he replied, “I can’t tell You. It’s a
secret.” (The Close – Curiosity. Dammit, I was IN! I
just wanted to know how we were going to do it. Being
in a fraternal order, I trusted the secret would be
revealed at the proper time.)

His sponsor, another close friend and frat brother,
reinforced this excitement and secret stuff. I was yet
unaware they were following a proven, duplicate-able

By the time I saw the Plan (The Presentation), I was
BEGGING for it!

Now, here’s a piece of real GENIUS: At the end of the
presentation, I was STILL not permitted to join!

I had to see the presentation a SECOND time along with
guests I invited to see it with me. Then, and only
then, would I be permitted to join.

I did not know enough about the company, products, or
compensation plan to screw things up! I had to resort
to, “I can’t tell You. It’s a secret.”

Before long, I was traveling the East Coast by
Greyhound Bus toting my blackboard and overnight bag to
reveal “the secret” to friends of friends of friends.

Not long after I joined, my sponsor quit. Later on his
sponsor, my other friend, quit.

But by then, my up-line leader had become a close
friend. (Rapport, again!)

Now, this exact method will not work today in 2013.

Shoot! For one thing, we have much better presentation
tools. In 1974 we did not even have whiteboards! (Back
then I used any available chair to prop up my
blackboard. I did not want to tote an easel on the

In many ways, this story is similar to my current MLM

My sponsor and his sponsor quit, and my up-line leader
has become my best friend.

The biggest difference is we all met on-line and built
Rapport over the telephone.

Today we have built a Team on three continents –
without leaving the house, and without ever ASKING
anyone to join!

No buses. No chalkboards.

So, how do You build deep rapport with folks You meet
on the street or on-line?

THAT secret is revealed in Michael Dlouhy’s book,
Success in Ten Steps,” and the skills are taught by
Mentoring For Free – to anyone who demands them at no

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. When You don’t ASK, nobody tells You, “No.”

The Story Behind The Cover of “Success In 10 Steps”

When we were putting the ebook together, Michael Dlouhy & I had quite a bit of discussion about what the cover would be. I had seen many dozens of successful ebooks, and I had an idea of the general look for the cover … but not specific.

Then Michael emailed me the photo. It’s Michael in his trademark Hawaiian shirt, his arm around Linda, the 2 of them sitting oceanside on the Gulf of Mexico as the sun goes down. Inserted in the lower left-hand corner is another photo of the 2 of them walking down the beach, and you can see their footsteps in the sand.

I saw it and thought, “Holy mackeral! I have NEVER seen any ebook with a cover like this!” This cover sent the perfect message: MLM is a relationship business. Anyway, as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one we wanted.

And now, 4 years later, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve mentioned “Success In 10 Steps” to a prospect who says, “Gosh. I have so many ebooks. I don’t remember that one.” And so I say, “Well, it’s got the guy & his wife sitting in front of the ocean at sunset.” And the prospect says (every time), “Oh, THAT one. Sure I remember THAT one.”

The cover of “Success In 10 Steps” is one of the bits of magic that makes the book so powerful.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
Big MLM Truths

“Success In 10 Steps” – Almost A Marketing Mistake

Did you know there’s no saltwater in saltwater taffy?

Taffy has actually been around for nearly 1000 years, which is pretty amazing. In Atlantic City, back in the 1880s, a lot of shops sprang up when they first put up the boardwalk. One guy sold several things in his shop, including taffy.

One day, the ocean arrived and inundated his shop. After the water receded, he surveyed the damage. Lots of stuff was ruined. But the taffy tasted fine. In a moment of marketing genius, he decided to call it “saltwater taffy.”

A lot of great marketing can happen by accident. The “Success In 10 Steps” ebook by Michael Dlouhy, so popular to so many MLMers now, was originally titled “The 10 Biggest MLM Marketing Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them.”

Many of the ideas were the same as in the final book, but the big focus was different. As Michael & I talked about the book, I realized that the focus really needed to change. The 10 biggest MLM marketing mistakes was a good idea, but not for THIS book. So the title became “Success In 10 Steps.”

Aren’t you glad? That other much longer title would be much more of a challenge to get into your ads.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis
1-850-997-1241 Call anytime.

“Success In 10 Steps” Gets Results!

The timeless MLM ebook “Success In 10 Steps” by my business partner & friend Michael Dlouhy has been out nearly 4 years now, and it has changed thousands of lives.

The book has had over 100,000 downloads. The information is based on relationship principles and marketing principles, so it will always be true. But the REAL success of “Success In 10 Steps” is that hundreds of network marketers are now using the ebook itself to generate a constant stream of leads and build themselves a profitable network marketing business. That is what we’ll talk about in this blog.

Success In 10 Steps FREE download

Download it. Read it. Michael Dlouhy & I will work with you, your team, and your recruits to make “Success In 10 Steps” the foundation of an effective network marketing lead generation system to grow your business and income bigger every week.

I appreciate you!

Richard Dennis