Stories are what make network marketing so much fun. I’ve been invited to be a guest speaker at our company Convention in a few weeks, and it will be easy. Over the years, I’ve written down the stories that have happened around me in this business. In my talk at Convention, I’ll be stringing together 25 of these stores, as quickly as I can get through them. They are good stories, and I believe those in the audience will be inspired.
In that spirit, here is a great story about “Success In 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy:
Jumpin’ Justin Draws Some Circles
Stories like this – and there are a ton of them now – help illustrate what makes “Success In 10 Steps” such an incredibly effective network marketing tool.
I appreciate you!
Richard Dennis
Big MLM Truths
Thanks for the link to Justin's story. I could really relate to the begining, just out of school and the bad car. But believing you are somebody.
With his ambition and a duplicatable system and some help. I believe Justin is in for a great future. And will need to wear shades.
Gary McElwain
I love a true story that’s absolutely hilarious!
I’d like to thank Justin for sharing this anecdotal piece of network marketing nostalgia.
Chances are pretty good that we could fill a fleet of ships with people who have been taught to “draw circles”!
“SuccessIn10Steps” is changing all of that. Thank goodness.
Melanie Kissell